School Tours

Spring school tours for spring are booked for April. There are a couple of mid-May dates still available for groups of 100+ students. If interested in one of those dates please email for details.

Due to the nature of the crops, fall allows for many more school visits starting in September. If you would like to learn more about fall tours please email with questions. Thank you.

Fall School Tours (Traditional):

Fall school tours are available most Tuesdays & Thursdays starting September 19 – November 7. Our tours are designed to educate preschool and elementary school children about organic farming in a hands-on atmosphere.

Our tours will cover the competency goals of the NC Standard Course of Study for Science, Math, and Healthful Living.

If interested in reserving a tour please fill out this form and we will contact you shortly:

School Tour Form

The cost is:
$11.00 per student
The minimum tour group size is 100 students
Your tour includes:
    • Customized educational talk
    • A small pumkpin
    • Corn pit
    • Sunn hemp maze (reaches full height in October)
    • Group wagon ride
    • Meet and feed the animals
    • Unlimited access to playgrounds
    • Picnic tables in the shaded private canopy of the party patch

Accompanying parents and siblings (3 years and older) are required to pay the $11 fee if attending.  Thank you for explaining this to your family members before they arrive.

Please email with questions and thanks.

Homeschool Day:

Fall date(s) TBD

Any sized homeschool group or individual families are welcome to attend.

The cost which includes all items above:
$4 per adult
$11 per child (required for 3 years and up) and includes a pumpkin
Infants 2 and under are free (pumpkins available for purchase)

Please email with questions and thanks.